Running Department - Safe Management Measures

As of 3 April 2022



    1. Run Registration - Runners shall register via Running Department’s Train With Us (TWU) website to secure a registration for themselves prior to each run session.
    2. Each run session will have a limited number of slots, which will be determined by RD and subject to a maximum of 50 participants or the capacity limit of the run venue, whichever is higher. Registration will be closed when the maximum number has been reached. Runners who are not registered will not be allowed to join any part of the run session.
    3. By registering for Running Department’s run session, runners will be deemed to agree to adhere to safe management measures as described in this document.
    4. For every run session, there will be an assigned Safe Management Officer (SMO) who will ensure that all runners comply with the safe management measures as described in this document.
    5. Runners shall have to perform SafeEntry check-in with the TraceTogether app / token followed by the Run check-in with Running Department QR code
    6. Runners shall wear masks at all times before and after the run. They will only be allowed to remove their masks at the start of the run, and must wear their masks at the end of the run upon return to the run venue.
    7. Runners shall be in possession of the items listed below at all times during the run session:
      1. Masks
      2. Mobile phones with TraceTogether App installed or TraceTogether Token
    8. During the entire run session, runners will be divided into run groups of 10, with 1m safe distancing between runners, and 3m safe distancing between groups. Each group will include at least one designated run leader who will also ensure compliance with the SMMs at all times - before the run, during the run and upon return to the run venue.
    9. Runners shall adhere to the assigned run group throughout the run session, and shall not intermingle with members of other run groups at all times.
    10. Runners, regardless whether registered or not, will not be allowed to join the group elsewhere, e.g. meeting the group at a certain point along the running route.
    11. Attendance (including the assigned groups) of the runners will be recorded and these records will be kept for at least 25 days after the run session.
    12. Contact details of runners must be kept up to date during registration as they will be used for contact tracing efforts, if required.


    1. Pre-Run Registration
      1. Runners shall register via the Running Department’s Train With Us (TWU) website to secure a registration for themselves prior to each run session.
      2. Each run session will have a limited number of slots, which will be determined by RD and subject to a maximum of 50 participants or the capacity limit of the run venue, whichever is higher. Registration will be closed when the maximum number has been reached. Runners who are not registered will not be allowed to join any part of the run session
      3. By registering for the run session, runners will be deemed to agree to adhere with the safe management measures described in this document.

    2. Before the Run Session
      1. Upon arrival at the run venue, runners shall perform SafeEntry check-in with the TraceTogether app / token and check-in their attendance for the run session via the Running Department TWU website.
      2. Upon completion of the check-in processes, runners shall gather in their assigned group and there shall be no inter-mingling between groups.
      3. Runners are encouraged to wear their masks on at all times before and after the run.
      4. Runners may deposit bags as a group at the designated location in a staggered manner.
      5. Runners shall be in possession of the items listed below at all times during the run session:

        • Masks
        • Mobile phones with TraceTogether App installed or TraceTogether Token

    3. During the Run

      Running in Groups
      1. Runners shall run in their assigned group of 5 to 10, while maintaining 1m physical distance between runners in the group, and 3m physical distance between groups
      2. Runners shall adhere to the assigned group throughout the training and there shall be no intermingling between groups.

      Maintaining Safe Distancing
      1. Runners are encouraged to wear their masks whenever applicable.
      2. Runners shall carry their masks at all times and are encouraged to put on their masks when they finish their run (or after they recover). Runners shall adhere to the assigned group throughout the training and there shall be no intermingling between groups.
      3. Runners shall refrain from physical contact with others, including but not limited to, performing handshakes or high fives.
      4. While waiting to cross at any traffic light junction, if the traffic light island has insufficient area to maintain safety and safe distancing for the run group and other public users, runners shall cross the traffic light junction in batches.
      5. Runners shall not share water bottles or drinks.
      6. Runners shall always have the TraceTogether app turned on or carry their TraceTogether token.
      7. Runners shall gently remind other runners of the measures, if unsafe behaviour/practices are observed.
      8. Runners shall follow the lead of their respective run leaders with regards to safe management measures.
      9. Runners who repeatedly disregard safe management measures will be barred from registering for future Running Department runs.

      After the Run
      1. Runners shall rest at the meeting location and are encouraged to put on their masks.
      2. Each run leader will decide whether to conduct cool down for the run group.
      3. If cool down is being conducted, runners shall ensure 1m physical distance between runners in the group, and 3m physical distance between groups.
      4. Runners shall collect their baggage as a group at an appropriate interval from the prior group.
Running Department By The Feel Good People. All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2023.